Functional Trim

For Professionals

For hoof care professionals who want to create change in the industry.

Functional Trim

For Professionals

For hoof care professionals who want to create change in the industry.


We will be launching the training for professionals to learn the functional trim very soon.

We will be launching the training for professionals to learn the functional trim very soon.

Our Trainers

Paige Wilfert

Master certified hoof care professional

Paige has always had a zest for knowledge and making a meaningful impact on the world. She was so certain about her path involving horse care that she started training with Jaime Jackson in the natural trim her senior year of high school.

Over the last 10 years, she has earned a nationwide, stellar reputation for her high caliber of work and a respected resource for equine care.

Paige's special interests are in working with people to challenge the industry norms. She's always developing her skills and tools to stay on the cutting edge of horse care, and is an advocate for holistic horse care getting the recognition and respect it deserves.

Kabryna Hanson

Certified hoof care professional & trainer

After witnessing first hand the healing potential of functional horse care, she immersed herself in education and training with the ISNHCP, Jaime Jackson, and Paige Wilfert so she could serve other horse guardians like herself.

Kabryna's special interest is in seeing horses and people enjoy each other in happiness and health - especially when that felt unattainable in the past. She understands the struggles that her community have experienced and works hard to help them using her vast experience, training, and knowledge.

Bobbi Gamaché-Arnold

Certified hoof care professional

QQWhen her heart horse developed a mass on her bone, Bobbi devoted herself in Functional Horse Care, specifically, how to use it to stop or reduce the many issues plaguing domesticated horses.

She develops her protocols from sound science, study and mentorship from experts in their field. Her approach leans heavily on the fundamentals of Functional Horse Care and from the perspective of what the horse needs, not what the human thinks they need.

Her special interests include equine GI health and hoof rehabilitation.

Our Trainers

Paige Wilfert

Master certified hoof care professional

Paige has always had a zest for knowledge and making a meaningful impact on the world. She was so certain about her path involving horse care that she started training with Jaime Jackson in the natural trim her senior year of high school.

Over the last 10 years, she has earned a nationwide, stellar reputation for her high caliber of work and a respected resource for equine care.

Paige's special interests are in working with people to challenge the industry norms. She's always developing her skills and tools to stay on the cutting edge of horse care, and is an advocate for holistic horse care getting the recognition and respect it deserves.

Kabryna Hanson

Certified hoof care professional & trainer

After witnessing first hand the healing potential of functional horse care, she immersed herself in education and training with the ISNHCP, Jaime Jackson, and Paige Wilfert so she could serve other horse guardians like herself.

Kabryna's special interest is in seeing horses and people enjoy each other in happiness and health - especially when that felt unattainable in the past. She understands the struggles that her community have experienced and works hard to help them using her vast experience, training, and knowledge.

Bobbi Gamaché-Arnold

Certified hoof care professional

When her heart horse developed a mass on her bone, Bobbi devoted herself in
Functional Horse Care, specifically, how to use it to stop or reduce the many issues plaguing domesticated horses.

She develops her protocols from sound science, study and mentorship from experts in their field. Her approach leans heavily on the fundamentals of Functional Horse Care and from the perspective of what the horse needs, not what the human thinks they need.

Her special interests include equine GI health and hoof rehabilitation.

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